CLOT is back again for chapter two of its CLOT x Nike x Medicom Toy partnership - this time issuing a “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICK. Another unforgettable collectible in the Silk Royale legacy, the 1000% “BLACK SILK” BE@RBRICK continues the Nike Silk Royale trilogy that included the CLOT x fragment design x Nike “BLACK SILK” Air Force 1 released in Fall 2019.
The “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICK continues to convey the idea of externalism and internalism and staying true to your inner self, with the same peelable outer layer as exhibited in the Silk Force collection and the previous “ROYALE UNIVERSITY BLUE SILK” 400% BE@RBRICK. The BE@RBRICK’s “BLACK SILK” outer layer can be removed to unveil a “ROYALE UNIVERSITY BLUE SILK” layer, which then can be removed to unveil a “ROSE GOLD SILK” base. Featuring both CLOT and Nike branding, this exclusive and highly limited BE@RBRICK is housed in a matching “BLACK SILK” shoebox.
To celebrate the launch of the “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICK, JUICE will be releasing sets consisting of both the “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICK and the CLOT x fragment design x Nike “BLACK SILK” Air Force 1. Standalone “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICKs will also be sold. Both the standalone BE@RBRICK and set package will only be available through online raffles with in-store pick up in some regions.
Raffles for all regions (JUICE Hong Kong, Shanghai and Taiwan) including INTERNATIONAL release (JUICESTORE.com with shipping worldwide) will launch at 12PM (HKT) on Wednesday, 22 July. The cut-off date will be on July 23 and winners will be contacted on the day via. email for in-store pick-up on July 24.
U.S Residents - raffle details on @juicestoreusa and JUICESTOREUSA.com to be released!
1. JUICE HONG KONG - “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICK and the CLOT x fragment design x Nike “BLACK SILK” Air Force 1 Raffle on July 22, 12PM (HKT) - Winners will be contacted on July 23 with PICK-UP ONLY* at JUICE Sheungwan (Hong Kong) on July 24.
2. WORLDWIDE RELEASE AND SHIPPING. Only standalone “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICK Raffle on July 22, 12 PM (HKT) / 9PM (EST) on JUICESTORE.com. Winners contacted on July 23.
JUICE Shanghai Weibo:
1. Standalone “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICK Raffle link on JUICE Shanghai's Weibo. Launch on July 22, 12PM and cut-off at 1PM, July 22. Winners will be contacted on July 23.
2. Winners of “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICK Raffle may enter an in-store at the pick-up for a pair of CLOT x fragment design x Nike “BLACK SILK” Air Force 1 sneakers on July 24.
1. Standalone “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICK Raffle on JUICESTORE.tw on July 22, 12PM. Winners will be contacted on July 23 for in-store pick-up on July 24 at JUICE Taipei or Taichung.
2. “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICK and the CLOT x fragment design x Nike “BLACK SILK” Air Force 1 Raffle on JUICESTORE.tw on July 22, 12PM. Winners will be contacted on July 23 for in-store pick-up on July 24 at JUICE Taipei or Taichung.
1. Standalone “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICK Raffle
2. “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICK and the CLOT x fragment design x Nike “BLACK SILK” Air Force 1 Raffle
JUICE STORE Los Angeles will not have an in-store pick-up and items will be shipped.
*Only standalone “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICK will be available for INTERNATIONAL raffle (JUICESTORE.com) on July 22 and JUICE Hong Kong (JUICESTORE.com) raffle pick-up on July 24 will only be available for the “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICK and the CLOT x fragment design x Nike “BLACK SILK” Air Force 1 set - there will not be a standalone “BLACK SILK” 1000% BE@RBRICK raffle.
Please check the respective social media accounts for each region for more details (JUICESTORE.com, @juicestore, JUICE HK Weibo, JUICE Shanghai Weibo, @juicestoreusa and @juicestoretw)
Please stay tuned to JUICE social media accounts (JUICE STORE INSTAGRAM, JUICESTORE TAIWAN, JUICESTORE USA, JUICE SHANGHAI Weibo, JUICE HK Weibo & JUICESTORE.COM) for more release details.
Campaign Credits:
Photographer: Samuel Fung/CLOT
Creative Directors: Edison Chen/CLOT, Prepare/CLOT
Retoucher: Raymond Ma/CLOT
Producer: Helena Yeung/CLOT
Prop Stylists: Helena Yeung/CLOT, Lucious Chan/CLOT, Edward Chiu/CLOT
Props provided by Altfield Gallery.